9729 Parkway East Suite 10
CenterPoint AL.35215.
Mon-THUR- 9AM-2PM.
Medical Supply Store in Birmingham Alabama.
CPAP Machine
Hip Extended Reach Gripper
Knee Walker
Support Page
Medical Products
Amazon Referral page
Your designer T-shirts. Price may vary
Littman statoscope (online only)
N95 respiratory mask. Online shopping only
Pure wick external catheter kit
50 mL syringe. https://amzn.to/3QmmZVE
5. 5x7 bandages. https://amzn.to/4gI7gea
Large adhesive bandage (Use Link)
6 Adhesive bandages. (Use Link)
Scooter rental by day
Female external catheter by pure wick
Lightweight motorize Wheelchair (Day-Rental)
Spacer dose inhaler
F3 mobile wheelchair a Day rental.
All terrain knee walker rental monthly
Transfer Bench, 400 lb. Weight Capacity
Aeromist Compact Nebulizer Compressor with full adult face mask.
Nonskid Leg Walker, Short, Size M/L
Ostomy bags individual
Bariatric Commode-500 LBS
Nebulizer Masks with 7 Foot Tubing